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Posted By Ciara Hennigan

Tips for Preparing for a Job Search in September

5 Sep 2024

September marks the beginning of one of the busiest periods in the job market. Companies are ramping up their recruitment efforts, with many seeking to fill key positions before year-end targets are finalised. Whether you’re looking to change roles, return to the workforce, or advance in your current industry, it’s essential to be fully prepared to stand out in this competitive season.


In our previous blog, it was shown that the end of the year emerges as a particularly busy time, with 22% of hiring managers actively searching for new talent from September onwards. In this blog, we’ll share expert tips to help you prepare for a successful job search and make the most of this bustling recruitment period.


1. Refresh Your CV

Your CV is your first impression, and with employers receiving countless applications, it’s crucial that it stands out for all the right reasons. Ensure your CV is up to date, well-organised, and tailored to the types of roles you’re seeking. Use the job description as a guide and highlight relevant skills and experiences. Ensure that your CV is easy to read with clear headings. A concise CV that highlights the essentials is preferred by hiring managers.


2. Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile

In today’s job market, LinkedIn is as important as your CV. Employers and recruiters frequently use LinkedIn to source talent and research candidates, so your profile should reflect your professional brand.


Tips for this:

  • Professional photo: First impressions count, and a professional headshot goes a long way.
  • Updated job history: Ensure your work experience and skills align with your CV.
  • Engage with content: Like, comment, and share industry-relevant posts to showcase your knowledge and stay visible to potential employers.
  • Open to work: Use the "Open to Work" feature to signal to recruiters that you are actively job searching.


3. Expand Your Network

Networking is a key component of a successful job search. Many roles are filled through referrals, so don’t underestimate the power of who you know.


Tips for building your network:

  • Reconnect with contacts: Reach out to past colleagues, employers, and connections who might help in your job search.
  • Attend industry events: Many career events or networking sessions happen in September and October. These are excellent opportunities to meet with recruiters or hiring managers and learn about job openings.
  • Leverage LinkedIn: Use the platform to connect with professionals in your industry. Follow companies you’re interested in to increase your visibility.


4. Research the Job Market

Understanding the current job market will give you a competitive edge. Knowing which industries are thriving, which companies are hiring, and what skills are in demand can help you focus your efforts on where you are most likely to succeed.


Investigate potential employers by reading their company news, reviews, and LinkedIn updates. This can help you tailor your application and understand the company culture.


5. Prepare for Interviews

Interviews can be daunting, but preparation is the key to success. Ensure you’re ready to answer questions about your skills, experience, and how you’ll add value to the company.


Interview prep essentials:

  • Practice common interview questions: Be ready to talk about your strengths, weaknesses, past projects, and how you handle challenges.
  • Research the company: Show that you’re interested in the company by learning about their mission, values, and recent achievements.
  • Prepare your own questions: Ask thoughtful questions about the role, team, and company culture. This shows you’re serious about the position and have done your homework.


6. Work with a Recruitment Agency

Partnering with a professional recruitment agency can give you access to job opportunities that aren’t advertised publicly. At Darwin Hawkins, we can help match you with roles that suit your skills, goals, and experience, while offering advice on interview techniques and salary negotiations.


Advantages of working with a recruiter:

  • Access to hidden job markets: Many companies work directly with agencies to fill positions before they are advertised.
  • Tailored job search support: Recruiters can help tailor your CV, coach you for interviews, and give you insights into potential employers.
  • Faster job placements: As the market ramps up in September, recruitment agencies are often the first to know about urgent job openings, meaning you could secure a new role faster.


September is an excellent time to start your job search, with companies actively seeking new talent. Don’t aim to apply for dozens of jobs a day. Focus on quality over quantity. By following these tips and staying proactive, you can increase your chances of securing a role that aligns with your career aspirations.


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