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Posted By Ciara Hennigan

Aligning Sustainability Strategies with the CSRD

11 Jul 2024

As a recruitment agency specialising within the sustainability sector, we understand the growing importance of sustainability in the business landscape. The recent introduction of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in the EU will result in organisations having to report on the impact of their actions and policies on the environment, social standards and human rights. 


As companies prepare for the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), there are several key strategies organisations can adopt to align their sustainability efforts with the new requirements:

Data Availability and Quality

The CSRD mandates that companies provide detailed, audited information about their sustainability performance. To meet these standards, organisations are looking to invest in robust data management systems to centralise data collection, storage, and reporting across their entire value chain.  Establishing clear data governance processes will be crucial to ensuring data is available, accurate, and capable of being assured on an annual basis.

Engaging the Value Chain

The CSRD requires companies to report on sustainability metrics not just for their own operations, but across their entire supply chain and downstream partners. Proactively engaging with suppliers and other value chain stakeholders will be essential for collecting the necessary data and supporting their efforts to improve their own sustainability practices.

Leveraging Reporting Frameworks

Aligning sustainability data collection and reporting with established frameworks like the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) or Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) can help ensure companies are capturing the right information to meet the CSRD's requirements. This will also provide a common language and structure for communicating sustainability performance to investors, consumers, and other stakeholders.

Seeking External Assurance

Since the CSRD mandates that sustainability reporting be assured by an independent third party, companies should engage an assurance provider to validate the accuracy and completeness of their data. This will help demonstrate the reliability of their sustainability information and build trust with key stakeholders.

Communicating Progress

While the CSRD will initially only apply to large companies, all organisations will be required to conform to the directive by 2028. Smaller companies should take proactive steps to communicate their sustainability efforts and progress, even if they are not yet subject to the full CSRD requirements. Sharing this journey and communicating progress can help attract eco-conscious talent and position the organisation as a leader in sustainable business practices. 


By aligning sustainability strategies with the CSRD's data, assurance, and reporting requirements, companies can not only meet their compliance obligations but also leverage sustainability as a competitive advantage in the talent market and with key stakeholders.


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